It’s almost here. the Winter Solstice is a celestial event that marks the time when night is at its longest, day is at its shortest, and our days will begin to grow longer again. I love to mark the seasons of my life along with Nature’s cycles. It helps me stay connected to my deepest self and understand the cycles of each year and of unfolding life.
the Winter Solstice is a time in nature to hibernate and rest. A time for family and friends and for spending time in comfort and repose. It is our time to look back at the years past and to develop a sense of what will matter to us deeply as we begin the cycle of a new, active year. We will once again throw ourselves in to the endeavors of our work for a year, bringing in our harvest of efforts in the fall, and winding down again for another winter’s rest.
So, enjoy the time for reflection and insight. Your soul will offer guidance as you quiet yourself and listen to your own heartbeat. Be at peace. You are well loved.
Dana Point, California